Paediatric Respiratory Masterclass

NCL Wide
Please note, this event is more than a year old. The information shown here may be out of date.

Paediatric Respiratory Masterclass

Please join the Paediatric Respiratory Masterclass being hosted on 20 October.  

Speakers include:

  • Dr John Moreiras Consultant Paediatrician Whittington Health
  • Dr Shubhasree Mukherjee Consultant Paediatrician Royal Free 
  • Dr Santanu Maity Consultant Paediatrician Royal Free
  • Chaired by Dr David Masters GP Haringey CYP Lead

This masterclass will answer the following:

Do current guidelines help us manage bronchiolitis?

  • When should I refer?
  • How do oxygen saturation’s support our assessment?
  • Could I be missing a chest infection?

Is this asthma?

  • Challenges and practical advice about making a diagnosis in primary care

Acute asthma

  • Safe management of an acute exacerbation and follow up

Please bring cases and questions you want to ask.

Recordings and slides will be available on the Children, young peoples and families topic page.

For more information, please contact Joanna Yong, Barnet Children's & Young Persons Clinical Lead